DFH Complete Multi™ with Copper is a full-spectrum multivitamin with Albion chelated minerals for maximum absorption and bioavailability. This powerhouse multivitamin supplies supportive nutrients not normally found in regular multis, such as alpha lipoic acid, TMG, fruit bioflavonoids, choline, and inositol. This formula also contains high gamma tocopherol vitamin E, high levels of all the B vitamins, including Designs for Health's proprietary NatureFolate™ blend of active isomer naturally-occurring folates, and natural mixed carotenoids. This version of Designs for Health's DFH Complete Multi™ contains 2 mg of copper as copper glycinate chelate, a stabilized mineral chelate from Albion Minerals that reduces the risk of free copper in the body, which can cause oxidative stress. This multi is also iron and PABA free.
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*FDA Disclaimer: The information about this product and statements made are provided by the manufacturer, except customer reviews which are not evaluated. See www.designsforhealth.com for information about the relationship between this product and any claims made. Results may vary from person to person based on body size and other factors, and the effectiveness is not guaranteed for you. Always seek the advice of your healthcare professional about taking dietary, nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplements.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.